July 28, 2016

"For Us"

Romans 5: 6 - 11

In this text, we find the writer rehearsing the benefits that are ours as children of God. These verses make plain the great provisions that have come our way through the death of Jesus and by virtue of our placing our faith in Him for salvation. We discover what we are without Him, what He did for us and what we have because of His sacrifice.
When we were lost, we were in the devil's camp. We were opposed to God and we were the enemy of God. God says the lost are His enemies. So God put His great love on display when Jesus died for us yet while we were still in sin. He died for his enemy. He did all this, just for us.
It is so amazing to know what God would do all this for me, but He did. Praise His holy name! Our blessings are far greater than the mind could ever begin to comprehend.

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